A Short Paragraph on Pollution for Students

Pollution is the most important problem in today’s busy life. It is nothing but the contamination of soil, air, and water due to the various human activities like spilling oils and dumping industrial wastes into water etc.  Pollution has a negative impact on the environment, hence we should not deplete our natural resources and try to save our planet.  Here are interesting facts about pollution for kids. Due to pollution, our natural resources in the air, water, and soil are slowly becoming nonrenewable resources. Pollution creates harmful substances in natural resources, which makes it extremely difficult to survive. Let us see different types of pollution for kids.

Air pollution  –  It is the massive smokes and emissions from vehicles like bikes and car leads to severe air pollution around the globe. The emission of carbon dioxide and other harmful toxins can increase temperature and global warming.

Water pollution – Industrial wastes are often dumped into the water bodies, which make it difficult for aquatic beings to survive. Washing clothes near lakes cause the release of the harmful chemical from the detergents, which lead to Eutrophication. Some natural disasters like flood, earthquake, and Tsunami cause the intermixing of water with the chemical substance on the land.

Soil Pollution – using harmful chemicals and artificial fertilizers like insecticide, pesticide, and harmful entities can cause soil pollution. Use of artificial fertilizers can absorb the minerals and nutrients from the soil and reduce the natural growth of plants.

Thermal pollution – Industries and vehicles release a lot of heat energy, which is transferred into the air, and cause thermal pollution.

Noise pollution – Noise pollution can cause stress, depression, and anxiety. It damages the eardrum and leads to a severe health hazard. Hence, students should reduce the usage of emissive vehicles and fireworks.

Pollution is available in all forms. Hence, it is the sole responsibility of every student to find ways that prevent pollution and save the environment.
