AmerisourceBergen Company Net Worth, History, CEO, Headquarter, Origin Country & More

Did you know that AmerisourceBergen has recently rebranded itself and became Cencora, which is currently known as this big Wholesale company? But the pharmaceutical processes haven’t stopped by the company itself, in fact, it is still considered one of the top names in this particular segment in the United States. And do you even know that the history of this company actually dates back to 150 years? But it was actually in 2001 when a merger happened between AmeriSource Health and Bergen Brunswig, and that is how AmerisourceBergen was born. And if all of that has got you intrigued already, then keep on reading to find out more interesting details like the net worth of this company, a little bit of a history lesson, who’s currently in charge of the company, and things like that.


AmerisourceBergen Origin Country United States
Established Year 2001
Headquarters Chesterbrook, PA
AmerisourceBergen CEO Steven H. Collis
AmerisourceBergen Net Worth $38.13 billion (as of October 2023)
Industry Pharmaceutical

The AmerisourceBergen Story

See, back in 1871, the founder was just an apprentice, learning the skills and what it takes to start a company. Fast forward to 2023, and boom! It’s now known as Cencora. Throughout the years, this company has really made its mark. From its humble beginnings, it’s now a big player in the global pharmaceutical world, with its heart set on doing good, for both humans and animals too. See, in 1907, a guy named Lucien Brunswig thought, “Hey, why not buy out my partner?” So, he did and named his solo venture Brunswig Drug Company. Then, come 1947, another fellow, Emil P. Martini, stepped in with the Bergen Drug Company. By 1969, these two decided to collaborate and in result created the Bergen Brunswig Corporation. And ever since, the company continued to evolve, with some mergers and name changes along the way. Like in 1977, The Drug House got scooped up by Alco Standard Corporation. By 1994, they figured, “Why not spice things up a bit?” and changed their name to AmeriSource Health Corporation. But the big twist came in 2001, AmeriSource and Bergen Brunswig decided two heads (or companies) were better than one and combined their powers. And that’s when AmerisourceBergen was born.

Net Worth Of AmerisourceBergen

See, over the past little while, they’ve been in the spotlight for some pretty big reasons. A few years back, they got caught up in some serious legal issues about the whole opioid crisis in the country. Yeah, it was kinda a big deal. In 2019, they, along with a couple of other big names, had to cough up a whopping $260 million to settle things with two counties in Ohio. And then, by 2021, they found themselves in a courtroom in West Virginia, facing more talks about that opioid situation. Sounds intense, right? But hey, as of October 2023, despite all the ups and downs, they have a net worth of a whopping $38.13 billion.
