How date of birth dob in aadhaar can be verified aug 28 2024 by sneha kulkarni
What is aadhaar aadhaar number is a 12 digit random number assigned to an individual seeking enrolment on completing the enrolment process image source getty images
Dob verified dob in aadhaar shall be marked as verified when a valid proof of birth document is submitted at the time of enrolment or update image source getty images
Verified option you are requested to ensure that the operator selects verified option for dob image source getty images
Year is printed note that only year of birth yob shall be printed on your aadhaar letter if the dob is marked as declared or approximate image source getty images
Maadhaar app anyone with a smartphone can install and use maadhaar app image source getty images
How many times can you update dob uidai allows you to update your date of birth dob on your aadhaar card only once image source getty images
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